Advertising in our Directory
All businesses in Hawks Nest, Tea Gardens and the surrounding local area are welcome to list in our directory.

If you list with us
When you list with us we will work with you to agree the category under which your business will be listed. If you would like to list your business under more than one category, a charge for each category applies. For example, if your business offers both accommodation and dining, you may want to be listed under both accommodation and restaurant. In this example you would be charged the applicable fee for both listings.
All listings appear for a calendar year (or part thereof). Listings are renewed in January of each year. For example, if you list with us in July, the listing will appear for six months and be charged accordingly. We will offer a renewal in January.
What is included?
Listings provide up to 300 characters to summarise your business. We have the writing and editing skills to assist you with a clearly worded, succinct summary that states the core aspects of your business. In addition to the 300 characters we will also publish legal name of your business, a contact phone number, one email address and a link to either your website or Facebook page.

- Your business listing:
- will appear under an agreed category (see number “1” in the image above. In this example the category is Fashion / Retail)
- will start with your registered business name which also acts as a link to your existing website if you have one (see “2” above)
- will have an active phone number which means visitors to the site will simply tap on the number from a mobile phone to call the number (see “3” above)
- will have a 300 character description of your core business functions that we can help develop (see “4” above)
- will have your business address (if required) (see “5” above)
- will have an email link (if required) (see “6” above)
- and will finish with a second link to your existing website (if you have one) (see “7” above)
We never publish a listing without your sign-off.
The cost of a listing is $75 per year per category. If your business is listed under more than one category, the $75 applies for each category. Where a listing begins during the year, for example in July, charges apply for each full month the listing appears – in this case from August to December ($31.25).
Any changes to your listing made during the year will be charged at $66 per hour (charged in 15-minute increments). We find that most changes relate to email addresses or website links and these usually take no more than 15 minutes to change, upload and test across all relevant pages. This means that most charges throughout the year will usually incur a charge of around $16.50. More significant changes will, of course, cost more.
Remember, your business listing will be advertising 24 x 7 locally, regionally, nationally and internationally (even while you sleep).